3. Ravenous Hunger and a Feeling of Queasiness
Feeling ravenously hungry without cause is one of the symptoms of low blood sugar. If you’ve already eaten, but still feel as if you’re hungry, or you’re just suddenly starving and will eat almost anything, then those are signals that your body needs glucose fast. Work with your doctor to see why you’re having these hunger pangs independent of a healthy, routine eating schedule.
The American Diabetes Association suggests that you eat from 15-20g of carbs or sugar with each snack, and 40-65g of carbs or sugar with each meal. If you’re not a healthy eater at work, relying on fast around the corner of the vending machine, then bundle some snacks in plastic Tupperware and take them to work with you.
Some good options include pretzel sticks with hummus, blueberries, dried raisins, fruit juice, or mixed nuts. Snacking at work doesn’t have to be hard, and you can stave off that excessive hunger with some good high-fiber, low-sugar snacks. You don’t want your snacks giving you those blood sugar peaks and valleys.