2. Eat More Fiber
Eating a high-fiber diet is recommended for a number of health conditions, and a healthy life overall, and it is definitely something you should be doing if you have high blood sugar. Fiber slows down the digestion of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugar.
Since it does those things, a high tier diet is good for promoting a more gradual rise in blood sugar. There are a couple of types of fiber. It is insoluble and soluble. Both are good, but soluble fiber has been shown to have a better effect on lowering blood sugar levels. A high-fiber diet can also help blood sugar regulation in type 1 diabetes.
There are plenty of lists of high-fiber foods on the Internet, and it is not hard to start incorporating high-fiber foods into your diet. You can eat a bowl of steel-cut oats in the morning, some dried prunes for a snack, or a big side salad at dinner. There are endless options for incorporating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes into your diet.